A collection of macros for Photo-Paint X3 and X4 that you might find useful. All have been included in a single GMS file for easy installation and use. The collection includes effects, utilities, and workarounds for common problems.
Effect Macros
FlipSides v3.05
Flip half of an image vertically or horizontally.
MirrorImage v1.35
Mirror an image in one of four directions.
StretchEdges v2.35
Create a border by stretching an image's outer edges.
StretchEdges Screenshots
StretchEdges interface
Before and After
SwapDimensions v1.35
Resize an image swapping the width with the height.
TileOnce v1.45
Tile an image once either vertically or horizontally.
To install the AntiPoetics Macro collection, first download ap_pp_macros.zip.
Extract the antipoetics.gms file to the Photo-Paint GMS folder.
For a typical installation, the path will be: C:\Program Files\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4\CorelPHOTO-PAINT\GMS
Start Photo-Paint or restart it if it was already running.