AntiPoetics - Poetry - Out the Window

Out the Window

dust off the face lift
broken cat claw
another racist
turns water into wine
brushing the coat
of the divine

I'm tortured
I torture myself
I'm broke and broken
put my thoughts into a bottle
and corked it up right, tight
cast it out into the night

I feel like I'm floating
without a sail or a motor
just adrift in what I can't see
sold out
sold out to the front lines

I'd cash my check but my life bounced
out the window
falling fast
out the window
like a penny from the Empire State
sun streaked like gold and fire

sparking light like white metal
and I'm free
I'm free from this disparity
I'm in the clear blue sky
holding out wings but for a feather
floating on air

passing by
in my dreams
in my waking screams
I echo like the silence
I echo my own flat cry
kicking sawdust in my eye

hit the breaks
by the butcher's by
hallowed and hollow halls
tinsel treasures
hit the breaks
on these coveralls

and I'm close
and I'm closer
catch myself like a disease
like a sneeze
I'm there
and then I'm gone

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