AntiPoetics - Poetry - Dead horses

Dead horses

The dead horses trotted merrily down the old dirt road,
I followed knowing there was no return from this eternal night,
space widened before them as they neared a hill,
feeling numb, I stopped to admire the land.
Fields of dirt and gravel were all that remained,
below the hill there was nothing but the stench of death,
then fluttering as if surrounded by a field of flowers,
a butterfly landed upon the shoulders of the rotted mare.
Where did it come from, no life existed here,
out of the utter fear of life returning,
I crushed it's dusty yellow wings in my gangrenous hands,
horrible was the sight of life to someone who had lost his only days before.
I cried after that and promised I would never hurt anything again,
feeling dizzy, leaning against the corpse of one of the horses,
wondering if my life or death, whatever it was, would end,
my knees buckled and against the cold hard ground my body fell.
Suddenly I regained consciousness and realized that I had fallen asleep,
Looking at the sky I knew there was another hour or so until dark,
pondering the meaning of my dream I closed my book,
the walk home was uneventful and somewhat pleasant.

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