AntiPoetics - Journal - July 2003



I thought I would try to express a little of the dullness that is my existence in the form of a journal. In other words, I wanted to share my boredom! Most recent entries are at the top. Keep an eye out for random updates.


In association with, I've provided links to some items of interest. Sooner or later I'll work out a nice way to differentiate these links from other content. Any such links are referral links and I may earn a nominal credit of some sort if you buy something through one. You've been warned! Wait... that's a good thing. Okay, so I'm poor and I want to be able to buy more stuff.

Journal: July 2003

At a loss for words


I typed up the poems I wrote the other day and thought I would share. For your enjoyment I've added a small collection in Strange Place, Poems. I would have included them here but what fun would that be?

Beverage: Coke

Music: Povi - Hiroshima Sweet Eyes

Eh, what do I know?


Okay, so... finals are over and I slept until 5 PM today. Exciting news, eh? Last night I coded a fun little JavaScript thing for use with AIM. It essentially generates emoticon laced text from an image you draw using checkboxes. So, you check the boxes to make your picture, hit a button, copy the text and paste it into an instant message, thus recreating your image faithfully using happy faces. If you want a better understanding of what it is and does, you can go try it out for yourself . I'm sure someone will be amused by it. It's actually an old idea that I put together a few years ago in BASIC, just ported over. Maybe I'll get around to making a nice pretty Windows program where you can actually draw instead of clicking checkboxes or feeding in image files (which is how the old one worked). Beg me for it and you may see it in the near future. Right.

Beverage: Coke

Music: Sarah McLachlan - Possession

For your information


Even though there isn't a great deal to say on this topic, I need to say something. I met a girl a few weeks back and added her to my Friends (People I Know) page in Tsumaranai. We spent a lot of time talking this past month and now we're dating. I'm sorry if that isn't good news for some people. She asked me to not tell everyone that she's crazy or evil... so... she's not, if you were wondering, or at least that's what I think so far. Hmm... What else...? right, I have two finals left until my non-vacation where I will work on several programs, not get quite enough sleep, and do other fun things. Right.

Beverage: flat, watered down Coke

Music: nothing, just the sound of my computers

Penguin power


Since my semester ends this week, I might as well talk a little about that. This has been a pretty good semester overall. I hate accounting but it's almost over. However, I have thoroughly enjoyed my UNIX and Linux classes and I'm a bit sad that they're ending. I spent some time in the past playing around with slackware and some other Linux distros and I really think that I'm going to convert a second desktop over to Linux. I have one system currently with RedHat 7.2 that I used for my Linux class and then I've been using Knoppix on my laptop. If you haven't spent much time with Linux and would like to try it out, I can't recommend Knoppix enough. It's a bootable CD with lots of hardware detection as well as a lot of common and useful applications and utilities (Gimp, Open Office, Gaim, Etherial, etc...). Just stick it in your CD-ROM and boot up to a nice functional desktop. If I can get some time, I'm going to try to port some of my old Windows programs over to Linux and X and see if I can get them to compile. Maybe it's because I'm something of a geek, I'm not really sure, but Linux just seems more fun than Windows.

Beverage: Coke

Music: nothing, just the sound of my computers

Weather wears away my soul


The weather has been wonderful lately and that's been something to cheer me up. I love the rain! Last year it only rained a few times and this summer it's rained in some degree nearly every week. Maybe I'm weird; I don't know... but I enjoy it. Let's see... what else... There are several CD's that I would like to acquire yet I'm holding out until I can find a way to get them for less than $20 a piece. Import prices suck. If all else fails, I can order them from and possibly save a few dollars.

Beverage: Coke

Music: nothing, just the sound of my computers

Too little, too late?


Okay, so I haven't had much to say lately. I've been working on things for school, some programs, some side projects, trying to sleep, writing, etc... I'm fairly certain that I may never finish the grand update that I've been working on for AntiPoetics. On the other hand, I have been organizing all of my notes and partial content into some sort of meaningful structure. It's a step in the right direction even if it isn't anything concrete.

Beverage: flat, watered down Coke

Music: nothing, just the sound of my computers

June 2003
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